Make History for Our Sisters This Women’s History Month

Women’s History Month may be coming to a close, but it’s important to resist the oppression of females, including of other species, well beyond March. Here are three ways female animals are exploited for human profit:

The Dairy Industry

Mother cows—like all other mothers—form special bonds with their calves, but the cruel dairy industry separates them. Cows are forcibly impregnated to keep their milk flowing, but their babies are taken from them within one to three days after birth. The body of a female cow is viewed not as her own but simply as a means for humans to reap a profit.

Male calves are often slaughtered for veal, while female calves are used the same way as their mothers. Go vegan to help end the relentless cycle of exploitation of female animals in the factory farming system.

Junk Science Experiments

In an outdated and cruel practice long discarded by many university residency programs, doctors-in-training at Oregon Health & Science University still use live pigs as human stand-ins to practice surgeries as part of the school’s obstetrics and gynecology (OB/GYN) residency program. A PETA investigation found that at least 64 physician OB/GYN residents performed horrific, invasive surgeries on nearly 50 female pigs. Visit our action center to learn how you can help sensitive pigs.

Companion Animal Breeders

Animal companions may be valued members of our families, but the female dogs used by breeders are often treated as little more than a commodity and never receive the love or attention that all dogs deserve.

In addition, the health and behavior of companion animals can be compromised if they aren’t spayed or neutered—which breeders rarely do—and unsterilized dogs and cats will produce litters of unwanted puppies or kittens, further adding to the already overwhelming overpopulation issue. Unadopted animals will likely end up in shelters that are already struggling to keep their heads above water. Do your part by spaying or neutering your companions, and remember to adopt from a shelter—never buy from a breeder.