5 Ways PETA Is Helping Animals in Laboratories This Week

  1. In a historic development following our undercover investigation, Envigo pleaded guilty to a criminal charge of conspiracy to violate the federal Animal Welfare Act and a felony charge of conspiracy to violate the federal Clean Water Act.
  2. PETA is calling on the Colombian government to end the capture and sale of monkeys who are used in junk science biomedical experiments.
  3. Check out the froggin’ awesome highlights of the TeachKind 2024 pilot program!
  4. A pair of new studies show a staggering drop in macaque populations—further evidence supporting our call for U.S. officials to add long-tailed and southern pig-tailed macaques to the list of protected endangered species and keep them out of laboratories.
  5. Take a look at this video of a PETA supporter taking the field at Fenway Park in Boston to protest the University of Massachusetts–Amherst’s cruel experiments on marmosets.