PETA Teams Up With The Community in Miami to Help Animals

Everyone loves a party in Miami, and PETA’s latest event there didn’t disappoint. While enjoying delicious vegan Beyond Meat sliders and meatballs from Holi Vegan Kitchen and fabulous Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough and Chocolate Extreme vegan ice cream donated by Baskin-Robbins, PETA President Ingrid Newkirk, PETA members, and special guests joined forces at The Community’s stylish office for an energetic benefit party to recognize animal rights advocates and help end all forms of animal abuse and speciesism.

It was an inspiring afternoon of rallying for animals. PETA Honorary Director Nanci Alexander—after whom our Washington, D.C., office, The Nanci Alexander Center for Animal Rights, is named—was in attendance. In addition to being a founding member and a tirelessly generous PETA patron, she founded the Animal Rights Foundation of Florida as well as Sublime, the first gourmet vegan restaurant in the country.

To honor The Community’s animal advocacy and creative work in our behalf, PETA gave the global marketing and advertising agency—a six-time “Agency A-Lister” by Ad Age magazine—our Compassionate Business Award. In addition to generously donating the venue space, The Community has created exceptional ads for PETA’s campaigns, including pro-vegan and adoption videos with professional athletes Elena Delle Donne and Cam Newton and a playful jab at President Donald J. Trump in an ad encouraging dog adoption.

Also honored was Emmy-winning reporter and acclaimed Telemundo journalist María Celeste Arrarás, whose compassionate contributions to PETA’s work were shared in a moving video montage. This isn’t the first time that we’ve recognized her for her support: She’s also a PETA Humanitarian Award winner.

One of the most memorable moments was Ingrid’s introduction of PETA and The Community’s new book, The Secret Lives of Animals, an edgy, dynamic, and surprising piece that cleverly spotlights the severe suffering that animals endure. It will be used to try to persuade key influencers and others to adopt a vegan lifestyle. The book will launch in a few weeks, so keep an eye out.

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