Keeping Animal Rights in the Spotlight

Recent media coverage of the work of PETA entities worldwide is bringing news of critical animal rights issues to millions.

Abused Elephant Seized After PETA Entities and Paul McCartney Come to Her Aid

Major progress! Following pressure from PETA entities, including PETA India, and compassionate celebrities like Sir Paul McCartney, authorities in India are seizing the abused elephant Jeymalyatha (also known as Joymala) from the Tamil Nadu temple where she’s been imprisoned for years.

PETA Demands the U.S. Army Ban ‘Classified’ Weapon-Wounding Tests on Animals

PETA is challenging the U.S. Army Medical Research and Development Command for once again permitting formerly banned laboratory experiments in which dogs, cats, marine animals, and primates are wounded using weapons. The Army is apparently calling these experiments “classified,” so PETA U.S. has filed an appeal to compel it to disclose the details of these taxpayer-funded tests to the public.

Pinky Cole and Her Children Are Thriving in the ‘Garden of Vegan’

Pinky Cole, the founder of the popular vegan restaurant Slutty Vegan, has teamed up with PETA to debut the first family portrait with her new baby, sharing an exclusive with People on how to raise compassionate kids and thrive as a fully vegan family.

Victory: Recording on Farms No Longer Banned in Iowa

Iowa’s latest “ag-gag” law has been deemed unconstitutional and in violation of the First Amendment by the U.S. District Court for the Southern District of Iowa. This is the state’s third ag-gag law in recent years that PETA and our allies have successfully sued to invalidate.

PETA Entities Call For a Strike on Sex With Meat-Eating Men

News outlets around the world jumped at the opportunity to write articles and interview staffers regarding PETA entities’ call for a “sex strike” against men who eat animal flesh—calling attention to the harm that meat consumption does to animals, the planet, and our bodies.