Get the Best Cruelty-Free Products Delivered Right to Your Door!

Beauty connoisseurs and bargain hunters, rejoice! The new Ethically by PETA box brings the best vegan products straight to your doorstep. If other personal-care boxes have left you worried that they might include items that were tested on or made from animals, Ethically by PETA is your perfect solution.

PETA collaborates with a host of animal-friendly companies to ensure that each box is filled with a mix of unique, fun, and useful items to incorporate into your personal-care routine—all at a fraction of what you’d pay in stores. What’s not to love?

Our first Ethically by PETA box includes the following:

A surprise variety of sulfate-free shampoos by Herbal Essences

Photo by Anabelle Dunn

That’s a $149.63 value for only $55.99. Best of all, proceeds from each box directly support PETA’s work for animals.

Can’t wait to get your hands on the latest Ethically by PETA box? You’d better act fast. There’s a limited number of boxes, and once they sell out, they’re gone.

Claim your box right now!