Bob Barker Joins the Effort to Send Orca Lolita to a Sanctuary

TV legend and passionate animal rights activist Bob Barker once again joins PETA to speak up for animals in captivity—this time, in a new video to advocate for Lolita, an orca who has been held prisoner at the Miami Seaquarium for nearly 50 years.

Lolita is confined to the smallest orca tank in the world, which is an unbearable experience for a mammal who could swim up to 140 miles per day in the open ocean. But despite traumatizing her by imprisoning her in this barren concrete tank, the park continues to force her to perform in show after show, up to three times a day.

In the wild, orcas live in large social pods and often spend their entire lives with their families. However, Lolita was taken away from her mother in 1970, when she was just 4 years old, and she hasn’t seen another orca—or had any contact with anyone who speaks her pod’s specific language—since 1980, when her tankmate, Hugo, died after ramming his head into the side of their enclosure.

Help us persuade the Miami Seaquarium to retire Lolita to a seaside sanctuary, where she would have the opportunity to reunite with her family, who still lives in the area where she was captured, and finally have the chance to lead a more natural life. Please share this video and Lolita’s story on your Facebook and Twitter accounts. As Bob says, “[E]nough is enough.”

Lolita, we’ll keep working until you’re free!

Click here to urge the Miami Seaquarium to retire Lolita to a seaside sanctuary!