5 Ways PETA Is Helping Animals in Laboratories This Week

  1. The National Institutes of Health (NIH) may finally be heeding PETA’s call by moving toward straight-to-human vaccine trials! The agency is skipping the typical lengthy, deadly animal-testing phase and instead administering a potential coronavirus vaccine to willing human volunteers in Seattle.
  2. Tune in to the latest episode of The PETA Podcast to hear more of the exciting details concerning how NIH’s decision is paving the way for safer, more effective animal-free testing.
  3. PETA has obtained photos revealing the misery, loneliness, and hideous conditions that monkeys endure in laboratory prison cells at Johns Hopkins University, and we’re calling on the school to stop its crude and cruel animal tests.
  4. As university laboratories close across the country because of COVID-19, PETA’s slamming the mass killing of animals who were slated to suffer in experiments—and demanding that publicly funded institutions suspend useless, deadly animal experiments and switch to more effective test methods.
  5. We’re encouraging kind consumers to shun personal-care products tested on animals—wherever in the world they’re sold—and reminding many what “cruelty-free” labels really mean.