5 Ways PETA Is Helping Animals in Laboratories This Week

  1. PETA has obtained never-before-seen footage of twisted, terrifying experiments funded by the National Institutes of Health in which brain-damaged monkeys are intentionally frightened with rubber snakes and spiders—and after securing precedent-setting wins against similar tests in the past, we’re determined to shut down this torture immediately.
  2. Following relentless pressure from PETA, the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) has restored documents related to its inspections of federally funded laboratories, which it abruptly deleted in 2017.
  3. USDA records reveal that five voles died at Oregon Health & Science University after employees apparently failed to provide them with water, and PETA is reminding many people that the government must end deadly incompetence by pulling the plug on funding for animal experiments.
  4. After rats were crushed to death, given excessive doses of chemicals, and otherwise abused at a facility operated by notorious animal supplier Charles River Laboratories—prompting a complaint from PETA U.K.—the U.K.’s Home Office has investigated and sanctioned a Charles River facility near Edinburgh.
  5. PETA supporters gathered at lectures by Texas A&M University President Michael K. Young and experimenter Peter Nghiem, demanding an end to the school’s hideous canine muscular dystrophy experiments.