5 Ways PETA Is Helping Animals in Laboratories This Week

  1. PETA is calling for a criminal probe into the Eastern Virginia Medical School laboratory of Gerald Pepe after new information shows, among other serious issues, that mother baboons were subjected to traumatic procedures without adequate care.
  2. We’ve uncovered e-mails from insiders at Oregon Health & Science University concerned about the use of live pigs in its obstetrics and gynecology physician residency training program. The school is feeling the heat from PETA supporters!
  3. Rats and humans don’t share the same anatomy, so why are rats used to try to predict the effects of chemicals on humans? PETA Science Consortium International e.V. is advancing non-animal methods through its groundbreaking research.
  4. PETA Honorary Director James Cromwell will confront the National Institute of Mental Health and present a petition signed by nearly 60,000 people and a letter from nearly 400 physicians, scientists, and mental health professionals calling for an end to the agency’s flawed experiments on animals.
  5. PETA is targeting Ethiopian Airlines, Africa’s largest airline, after learning that it’s transporting thousands of long-tailed macaques across the Atlantic Ocean—in the cargo holds of passenger planes—to U.S. laboratories.