5 Ways PETA Is Helping Animals in Laboratories This Week

  1. PETA’s Global Beauty Without Bunnies program has added a huge household name to its roster: Axe, the world’s No. 1 men’s fragrance brand.
  2. PETA supporters in lab coats tormented “monkeys” with strobe lights on the Harvard University campus to mimic experimenter Margaret Livingstone’s latest cruel test. 
  3. PETA is urging former President Barack Obama to condemn Livingstone’s experiments, which are funded by an initiative begun during his administration.
  4. More than 400 scientists, academics, and medical and veterinary professionals from around the world have sent an open letter to the U.K.’s parliamentary under-secretary of state for the Home Office to demand that he prohibit the use of the cruel forced swim test.
  5. Our work to put another nail in the forced swim test’s coffin carried into New Zealand, where we assisted the New Zealand Anti-Vivisection Society in securing the country’s first-ever ban on the bogus experiment.