5 Ways PETA is Helping Animals in Laboratories This Week

  1. Watch actor and PETA Honorary Director James Cromwell urge Congress to end the deadly and deceptive monkey-importation industry. He joined PETA scientists for a congressional briefing about the use of monkeys in experiments.
  2. In response to a question from PETA U.K., the British government admitted that animal testing is not required by law.
  3. After documenting severe neglect at Southern Biotechnology Associates, a company in Alabama that produces antibodies, the U.S. Department of Agriculture still licensed the deplorable facility.
  4. Somebody who viewed PETA’s anti–animal testing display at the University of Massachusetts–Amherst couldn’t handle the truth and vandalized the exhibit. A reward has been offered for any information that helps bring the perpetrator to justice.
  5. Pick up the new book by Dr. Pandora Pound, Rat Trap: The Capture of Medicine by Animal Research—and How to Break Free, an exposé that documents 150 years of failed animal experiments.