5 Ways PETA Is Helping Animals in Laboratories This Week

  1. PETA has blown the lid off the U.S. Army’s secretive weapon-wounding tests on dogs, cats, marine animals, and primates. The ban on these tests—the result of a PETA exposé—was quietly overturned. After officials denied our Freedom of Information Act request for public information about these horrific, classified experiments, we’ve now filed an appeal with the Army to release these records.
  2. The PETA-backed FDA Modernization Act, which will revolutionize the way drugs are tested and spare countless lives, has been passed by the U.S. Senate—bringing us one step closer to ending cruel drug tests on animals.
  3. Victory! After learning that the company behind the now-infamous Pennsylvania crash of a truck carrying 100 monkeys to laboratories is converting a former human prison into a primate warehouse in Louisiana in order to sell monkeys to laboratories, we raised concerns with the local school board that owns the land. As a result, the board is evicting the company!
  4. Great news: Another Taiwanese company is ditching animal experiments for health foods after pressure from PETA. We rallied more than 68,000 supporters to help us persuade Microbio Co. to make this compassionate commitment to ending such cruel tests.
  5. PETA captured media headlines and students’ attention with a “screaming monkey” in a crate at the University of Washington. The protest alerted Seattle residents to the underground cruelty in school laboratories and at the associated Washington National Primate Research Center.