5 Ways PETA Is Helping Animals in Laboratories This Week

  1. Historic progress! PETA President Ingrid Newkirk and top PETA scientists met with authorities in Pakistan to kick off a collaboration that we hope will change animals’ lives—including by ending the use of animals in veterinary training, phasing out animal experiments at universities throughout Pakistan, and banning dissection.
  2. Scientists from PETA Science Consortium International e.V. have coauthored a precedent-setting paper (published in Toxicology in Vitro) describing the transition of a line of human lung cells to cell culture media that do not use compounds extracted from fetal calves’ blood or any other animal-derived components.
  3. PETA teamed up with Colombian street artist Praxis to decry animal tests once again—this time, by plastering New York City with anti-experimentation messages and eye-catching images of screaming dogs, monkeys, mice, and rats.
  4. PETA U.K. supporters in sparrow masks flocked to the University of Edinburgh during a presentation by serial bird killer Christine Lattin, calling on attendees and kind people everywhere to challenge her cruel tests.
  5. Legendary actor and comedian Lily Tomlin has joined PETA’s campaign to end ridiculous, invasive menopause experiments on marmoset monkeys (who don’t even experience menopause!) at the University of Massachusetts–Amherst.