5 Ways PETA Is Helping Animals in Laboratories This Week

  1. Just days after PETA U.S. contacted Pakistani officials about a viral video showing veterinary students mutilating conscious dogs, those authorities have announced historic reforms—including banning tests on live animals throughout the areas surrounding the capital city.
  2. PETA entities’ campaigns have cut the flow of monkeys from major airlines into experimenters’ clutches down to a trickle. Now we’re targeting the heinous primate trade with an eye-opening new exposé revealing how the industry devastates monkey populations in nature and threatens human health. Plus, the former largest supplier of monkeys to laboratories, longtime PETA U.S. target Covance, is facing scrutiny from the U.S. Department of Justice for alleged monkey trafficking.
  3. As part of European PETA entities’ push to challenge animal-testing requirements through a European citizens’ initiative, PETA U.K. recorded Irish celebrities’ passionate reactions to footage of animal experiments. The powerful video will surely compel more citizens of Ireland and other EU nations to sign the initiative and protect cruelty-free cosmetics!
  4. PETA U.S. is confronting readers of bodybuilding magazine Muscular Development with our provocative ad targeting Cialis maker Eli Lilly over its refusal to ban the frightening forced swim test.
  5. We’re urging the retiring chancellor of the University of Massachusetts–Amherst to improve his legacy by ending archaic menopause experiments on monkeys on his way out.