5 Ways PETA Is Helping Animals in Laboratories This Week

  1. PETA supporters and caged “monkeys” crashed a University of Massachusetts–Amherst event, confronting alumni with video footage of the pointless and cruel experiments on marmoset monkeys being conducted by their alma mater. We’re also calling for an investigation into the school’s laboratories after learning of their failure to report an animal welfare violation to federal officials.
  2. We hit the University of Washington (UW) with a one-two punch during its graduation weekend. First, a massive “spider” helped expose the school’s web of lies surrounding the routine destruction of records regarding the use of animals in its laboratories. A day later, commencement attendees couldn’t escape the sight of mounds of “dead monkeys” representing UW’s victims.
  3. UW’s student newspaper ran a great article on PETA’s push to shut down the Washington National Primate Research Center and how our expert primatologist, Dr. Lisa Jones-Engel—a former UW professor—is leading the charge.
  4. PETA ran a full-page ad in The Hill celebrating the relinquishment of 446 dogs from Envigo’s beagle-breeding facility in Virginia. The ad calls on Congress to help end experiments on dogs by embracing our Research Modernization Deal.
  5. PETA campaigns have cut the flow of monkeys from major airlines into experimenters’ clutches down to a trickle. Now the former largest supplier of monkeys to laboratories, longtime PETA target Covance, is facing scrutiny by the U.S. Department of Justice for alleged monkey trafficking.