5 Ways PETA Is Helping Animals in Laboratories This Week

  1. Amy Clippinger—PETA’s vice president of regulatory testing and president of PETA Science Consortium International e.V.—is the recipient of a prestigious award honoring her contributions to the field of modern, animal-free toxicology testing.
  2. A successful PETA lawsuit has ordered Louisiana State University to hand over records related to Christine Lattin’s experiments on songbirds—and we’re exposing the horrors that the school desperately wanted to keep hidden.
  3. We’re condemning wasteful, deadly animal experiments at facilities including Mayo Clinic, where PETA exposed that a puppy had died of suffocation after a hole was cut into his windpipe and a tube inserted into his lungs; Oregon Health & Science University, where a Mongolian gerbil died after workers failed to feed the animal; and the University of Utah, where three recent animal deaths prove that the facility can’t abide by minimal animal welfare regulations.
  4. Following the death of a donkey who escaped from LAMPIRE Biological Laboratories in Pennsylvania, PETA is reminding the public that no animal should be imprisoned, neglected, and forcibly bled for archaic and cruel antibody production.
  5. PETA has pointed out to Eli Lilly that—as indicated in a recently published paper—researchers don’t trust the results of human depression experiments on other animal species. It’s even more proof that the pharmaceutical giant should join its competitors in immediately banning the forced swim test.