5 Ways PETA Is Helping Animals in Laboratories This Week

  1. PETA “monkeys” gave government experimenter Elisabeth Murray an earful when they gathered outside her home and played a recording of distressed primates, demanding that she stop mutilating monkeys’ brains before intentionally frightening them with fake but realistic-looking snakes and spiders.
  2. A PETA supporter dressed as Dorothy—a macaque tormented in invasive tests, even as she withered away—powerfully reminded students at the University of Washington that monkey torture isn’t new on campus.
  3. Texas A&M University has renamed Cannoli, a healthy dog born into its canine muscular dystrophy laboratory, in an apparent attempt to hide that he’s still imprisoned at the school from the thousands of people who are calling for his release to a loving home.
  4. Attendees at a pharmaceutical industry awards dinner got an earful about Eli Lilly’s refusal to ban the forced swim test—a cruel experiment so unreliable for identifying new antidepressants for humans that even the company’s bestseller, Prozac, hasn’t yielded consistent results.
  5. We’re calling for the suspension of animal tests at the University of Louisiana–Lafayette after learning that five infant rhesus macaques died of dehydration after workers failed to notice that they didn’t have adequate access to water.

Through October 31, every donation made to PETA’s “Stop Animal Testing” Challenge will be matched dollar for dollar up to the $300,000 campaign goal—doubling your impact on PETA’s groundbreaking work to reduce suffering and get animals out of laboratory cages.

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