5 Things PETA is Doing to Help Animals in Laboratories This Week

PETA is powerfully protesting cruelty and promoting sound, animal-free science.


  1. PETA has filed complaints with the National Institute of Child Health and Human Development urging it to withdraw funding for University of Delaware experimenter Tania Roth’s “child abuse” experiments on infant rats, and we’re asking the National Science Foundation to do the same.
  2. The PETA International Science Consortium has handed out its third annual Early-Career Scientist Awards and will send a toxicologist with the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency and a cell biology engineer to a prestigious workshop, where they’ll learn more about the way in vitro test methods are preventing animals from being poisoned, mutilated, and tormented in crude experiments.
  3. PETA supporters armed with signs proclaiming, “Evil Ebel Kills Crows,” flocked to Colorado State University during a recent board meeting, demanding that the school end experimenter Gregory Ebel’s deadly tests on birds.
  4. A new letter from two PETA scientists slams a California company that’s encouraging high school students to conduct experimental surgeries on live rats.
  5. Baltimore animal advocates in owl masks paid a visit to Johns Hopkins University last week, calling for an end to Shreesh Mysore’s torture of barn owls in gruesome, pointless attention deficit disorder experiments.