5 Things You Can Do to Help Animals in Laboratories This Week

Discover the stories of graduate students FORCED to experiment on animals—and see how PETA is opposing deadly, pointless tests.

1. Don’t miss the groundbreaking new PETA-produced documentary Test Subjects, which exposes the pervasive pressure that graduate students face as they’re forced to experiment on animals in order to obtain their degrees.

2. Victory! After talks with PETA, pharmaceutical giant Bayer has committed to a ban on the forced swim test.

3. PETA’s campaign against experiments on dogs at Texas A&M University reached new heights recently as we flew a banner over the school on game day, demanding that it shut down its horrific canine muscular dystrophy laboratory. Superstar Pamela Anderson has also offered to adopt every one of the dogs still suffering at the university

4.Experimenters and the journal that published their “findings” are in hot water after subjecting mice to the forced swim test and other terrors in order to “prove” that these unique, sensitive animals have personalities—something that PETA has been pointing out for decades.

5. More good news! After hearing from thousands of PETA supporters, Michigan-based Kalitta Air has adopted and implemented an official policy not to transport monkeys to laboratories or laboratory suppliers anywhere in the world.