5 Things PETA is Doing to Help Animals in Laboratories This Week

Animals in laboratories don’t get a break for the holidays, but PETA is determined to stop their suffering.

1. Great news! Avon Products, Inc., is working with PETA to take important steps toward becoming cruelty-free worldwide.

2. Together with a Bristol-Myers Squibb shareholder, we submitted a resolution urging the pharmaceutical giant to assess the effectiveness of the forced swim test and report its actions to shareholders. We’re determined to push the company to pull the plug on this hideous test.

3. Don’t miss this end-of-year recap of the PETA International Science Consortium’s groundbreaking work to spare animals toxicity tests.

4. PETA launched a disturbing new television ad showing taxpayers that the National Institute of Mental Health is squandering their dollars on worthless, archaic depression experiments in which mice and rats are electrically shocked, suspended upside down, forced to tread water frantically, and otherwise tormented.

5. We’re urging Germany’s Humboldt University of Berlin to end curiosity-driven tests in which experimenters implanted electrodes in rats’ brains and ultimately killed and dissected them—in a bizarre, deadly attempt to prove that the animals like to play hide-and-seek.