Clear Your Clutter for Animals!

Do you feel like you’re drowning in clutter and need an excuse to deep-clean your place?

We have the solution to your problems: Hold a yard sale benefiting PETA.

You’ve been meaning to get rid of those old items anyway, right? This is the perfect way to say goodbye to that stack of old DVDs, those funky clothes you haven’t worn in years, and other items while helping animals at the same time!

Setting up a great yard sale is far less intimidating than you may think, and PETA is here to help you every step of the way. All you need to do is gather and price your items and we’ll send you our “Yard Sale Benefiting Animals” kit that includes QR code stickers for making Venmo donations, pictures of animals to represent those you’ll be helping, vegan starter kits, stickers, and yard sale signs like the ones below:

Already have a yard sale in the works? We have a few tips to help ensure  it’s a smashing success.

Be sure to plan a date and time and then print out flyers and signs. Put them all over your neighborhood, and post news of the sale to local groups on Facebook or Nextdoor. Promote it on social media to your friends and family, too.

Just as importantly, when deciding which items to sell, please be sure not to include ones that harm or have harmed animals, such as old fishing gear, anything made from an animal’s skin, and products from companies that test on animals.

Ready to make some sales for animals? Fill out the form below and we’ll help you get started:

Start Your Sale Today