WATCH: PETA President Ingrid Newkirk Visits a Laboratory YOU Helped Us Close!

For nine months, a PETA investigator worked undercover inside the filthy kennels of Professional Laboratory and Research Services Inc. (PLRS), a product-testing laboratory in rural North Carolina that once raked in money from corporate giants like Bayer and Eli Lilly to force-feed insecticides to beagles and cats and smear harsh chemicals onto their skin.

Thanks to PETA members like you, the days of animals suffering at PLRS are long over. PETA President Ingrid Newkirk recently went to Corapeake, North Carolina, to give you a look around the closed facility that once housed hundreds of tormented animals.

Inside this hellish place, PETA’s investigator found workers screaming at frightened dogs and cats and dragging dogs from their cages. Many dogs had raw, oozing sores from living in pools of their own waste. Workers didn’t even remove them when they pressure-sprayed the runs—soaking the animals with water, bleach, and soap and exposing their painful sores to harsh chemicals.

Video evidence shows that terrified cats were pulled from cages by the scruff of their neck while workers screamed in their faces. In one test, the investigator observed workers applying a chemical to the necks of 57 cats. They immediately suffered seizures, foamed at the mouth, lost vision, and bled from their noses—yet the substance was put on the cats a second time the very same day.

Only a week after we released our investigative footage and filed a complaint with the U.S. Department of Agriculture, the laboratory shut its doors and surrendered nearly 200 dogs and more than 50 cats to be put up for adoption. And in a landmark move, a North Carolina grand jury indicted four individuals who worked at PLRS, including a supervisor, on 14 felony cruelty-to-animals charges.

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