5 Ways PETA Is Helping Animals in Laboratories This Week

  1. The University of Washington tried to conceal the details of monkey deaths and hideous experiments, and now it’s paying a hefty price for its deception: $539,902.45 in fees and penalties to PETA relating to our public records lawsuit. Our campaign won’t slow down until the Washington National Primate Research Center is closed down.
  2. PETA is rallying kind people worldwide to decry the archaic, nightmarish experiments we’ve uncovered at Harvard Medical School, where newborn monkeys are ripped away from their mothers and their eyelids are sewn shut, purposely stymying their brain development.
  3. Since federal agencies are still failing to crack down on dangerous, illegal monkey transport, PETA is urging the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service to step in and investigate airlines and monkey breeders for violations of the Lacey Act, designed to prevent wild-animal trafficking.
  4. PETA Netherlands’ science advisor penned a timely op-ed urging the Dutch government to make good on its years of promises to phase out animal tests and adopt PETA entities’ Research Modernization Deal.
  5. K. reality show star Lucie Donlan experiences the terror of near-drowning in a new PETA U.K. video illustrating the cruelty of the forced swim test, which several British universities are still refusing to swear off.