Help Thousands of Animals: Spay or Neuter Before 5 Months of Age!

Update (May 6, 2022): In a big win for cats, the American Veterinary Medical Association (AVMA) has officially endorsed the Feline Fix by Five campaign! Take a look at the AVMA’s social media announcement below:

Can a 4-month-old kitten really have kittens? Yes.

This is one of the many reasons to have your cats and dogs spayed or neutered by 5 months of age!

An estimated 70 million homeless dogs and cats are struggling to survive on any given day in the U.S. alone. Spaying and neutering is the single most important thing that we can do to spare cats and dogs the suffering and miserable death caused by overpopulation.

Since 2001, PETA’s mobile spay/neuter clinics have performed life-changing surgeries for more than 200,000 animals, sterilizing more than 13,000 in 2021 alone! The clinics frequently travel to low-income communities and offer free transportation to and from surgeries for guardians who don’t have access to a vehicle—never turning away anyone who can’t pay.

Longtime PETA Vanguard Society member Esther Mechler knows the importance of this mission, too, and she has assisted with the launch of hundreds of affordable spay/neuter programs and clinics throughout the U.S. Today, her organization, Marian’s Dream, is making a world of difference in the lives of cats through its Feline Fix by Five Months campaign, encouraging veterinarians to reduce the overpopulation crisis by spaying or neutering animals by 5 months of age.

Want to do more today? Share the Fix by Five program with your veterinarian or anyone else you know who shares your commitment to helping companion animals.