5 Ways PETA Is Helping Animals in Laboratories This Week

  1. We released a wave of media statements warning the public of the dangers posed by animal experiments when a truck carrying 100 not-yet-quarantined, laboratory-bound monkeys overturned on a Pennsylvania highway. We are in touch with the woman who stopped to help and was exposed to bodily fluids. The U.S. Department of Agriculture is now investigating in response to our complaint.
  2. PETA Senior Vice President Kathy Guillermo is quoted extensively in a new Breitbart piece breaking down a cruel, absurd HIV/AIDS experiment—rubber-stamped by the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, under Director Anthony Fauci—that purportedly attempts to “feminize” male monkeys with hormone therapy. This illustrates why PETA’s Research Modernization Deal—our scientists’ strategy for ending animal experiments—must be embraced by the National Institutes of Health.
  3. PETA is targeting Elisabeth Murray’s pointless, government-funded fright tests on monkeys with an online ad blitz on the website of The Daily Caller, a Washington-based outlet. PETA supporters were also arrested at the U.S. Department of Health & Human Services for peacefully protesting Murray’s experiments!
  4. Our massive “spider” descended on Johns Hopkins University to expose the web of lies the school is spinning around Shreesh Mysore’s deadly brain experiments on barn owls.
  5. In the wake of news of a risky pig-to-human heart transplant, PETA India scientist Dr. Ankita Pandey penned a powerful article pointing out why awareness, not animals, will help resolve organ shortages globally.