5 Ways PETA Is Helping Animals in Laboratories This Week

  1. The gripping short documentary Test Subjects—featuring the stories of three PETA scientists—has been ! Stream the extended version online and discover why the critics are raving.
  2. While Twitter buzzed about a viral meme showing cakes made to look like everyday objects being sliced in two, PETA called attention to a more archaic and macabre form of dissection: the cutting up of animals in classrooms. Our post has been shared thousands of times, and our statement was featured in Newsweek, leading many to understand why cruel dissection should end.
  3. Terrific news: PETA India scientists provided input for new guidelines that will prevent animals from being tormented and killed in nano-product tests by that country’s food and agriculture industries.
  4. PETA India is raising a ruckus after Maharashtra’s government approved the capture of 30 wild monkeys for use in deadly COVID-19 vaccine tests—even though Indian law requires the use of superior human-relevant, animal-free research methods.
  5. Recent reports suggest that through their highly developed sense of smell, so it’s all the more vital that we protect them and other animals from suffering in pointless experiments. PETA scientists are doing just that and promoting cutting-edge, non-animal COVID-19 research methods instead.