5 Ways PETA Is Helping Animals in Laboratories This Week

  1. Terrific news! Negotiations pay off: Secret deodorant is the latest major brand to join PETA’s animal test–free list and will soon feature PETA’s bunny logoon its website and packaging.
  2. PETA scientists merit a tip of the hat, as Australia’s cosmetics-testing laws are now in full force and even China looks poised to remove a hurdle that inhibits the sale of products not tested on animals in that country. Learn why we’re encouraging consumers to overcome gaping loopholes in such legislation by using our Beauty Without Bunnies database.
  3. PETA scientists and other stakeholders gathered at a virtual public forum to celebrate the U.S. government’s success in reducing animal use for chemical tests. We’ve collaborated with agencies, including the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, to help achieve this historical progress.
  4. In case you missed it, scientists from PETA entities have outlined a groundbreaking Research Modernization Deal that will assist other government agencies in India, the U.K., the U.S., and elsewhere around the globe in switching to cutting-edge, non-animal methods to save lives and help those suffering from COVID-19 or other diseases.
  5. Yet more progress! A scientific advisory panel has agreed with what PETA’s been saying and has recommended that the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs reevaluate its torment of dogs in misguided, federally funded tests that do nothing to advance our understanding of human health.