5 Ways PETA Is Helping Animals in Laboratories This Week

  1. After showing exactly why experimenter Elisabeth Murray is a monkey’s worst nightmare, PETA and our supporters are working hard to end her frightful tests. We recently took over the National Institutes of Health’s (NIH) social media pages and chalked pointed messages on the sidewalk in her neighborhood and outside the home of the director of the National Institute of Mental Health, Joshua Gordon, who has taken no action to stop her.
  2. Our supporters, led by a giant “mouse,” visited the home of Eli Lilly CEO David Ricks, demanding that he pull the plug on the hideous, debunked forced swim test—as many other pharmaceutical giants have done after being pressured by PETA.
  3. We’re striking down animal tests in every category by promoting the use of state-of-the-art, human-relevant methods to replace archaic regulatory tests on animals and targeting curiosity-driven torture at university and government laboratories through online actions, drive-by demonstrations, and many other efforts.
  4. PETA is pushing the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services to investigate why NIH is wasting billions of taxpayer dollars on animal tests that universities themselves have deemed “extraneous”—leading to the destruction of countless animals in laboratories and the discontinuation of experiments that they were being used for during the pandemic.
  5. A terrific op-ed by PETA Vice President Shalin Gala was picked up by nearly 20 outlets across the country, reminding readers why non-animal research is the best hope for a COVID-19 vaccine or treatment.