5 Ways PETA Is Helping Animals in Laboratories This Week

From promoting breakthrough COVID-19 research that doesn’t harm animals to stopping deadly food and beverage tests, PETA entities worldwide are constantly working to end cruelty.

  1. Terrific news! After discussions with PETA and PETA U.K. scientists, pharmaceutical giant GlaxoSmithKline has stopped subjecting animals to the forced swim test. It joins Pfizer, Johnson & Johnson, Bayer, and others in ending the cruel and widely discredited test after hearing from PETA.
  2. We’ve persuaded nearly every major airline to stop shipping monkeys to be used in experiments—and now, we’re rallying thousands to take aim at Volga-Dnepr Airlines, because a whistleblower has told us that it’s shipping hundreds of monkeys from Cambodia to U.S. laboratories.
  3. Primatologists, mental-health experts, and other scientists—along with PETA Honorary Director Bill Maher—are joining us in publicly shaming the National Institutes of Health for wasting taxpayer dollars on torturing monkeys, rather than focusing on advancing our understanding of human
  4. PETA India scientists are urging Prime Minister Narendra Modi to invest in effective, non-animal therapies to combat COVID-19 and other deadly human health threats.
  5. PETA’s campaigns are stopping painful experiments in the global food and beverage industry, and now, PETA Asia is demanding that the Taiwan Food and Drug Administration halt plans to allow companies to conduct painful animal tests in order to make dubious health claims about their products.