5 Ways PETA Is Helping Animals in Laboratories This Week

  1. Scientists from PETA and our affiliates have outlined a groundbreaking Research Modernization Deal to encourage government agencies to embrace cutting-edge, non-animal methods that can save lives and help those suffering from COVID-19 or other diseases.
  2. PETA supporters carried out a Johns Hopkins University drive-by demonstration during the school’s virtual graduation ceremony, demanding an end to nightmarish experiments in which owls are restrained, electrodes are inserted into their brains, and they are bombarded with distressing sights and sounds.
  3. A new PETA blog post exposes the isolation, deprivation, and invasive surgeries that monkeys endure at National Institutes of Health laboratories.
  4. After funding a breakthrough project that created human-derived antibodies, the PETA International Science Consortium . is collaborating with other experts to ensure that no horse suffers for the sake of diphtheria medicine, spider bite treatments, or anything else manufactured from their stolen blood.
  5. Because of our lawsuit against Texas A&M University, we have obtained records revealing the misery of a dog in the school’s hideous canine muscular dystrophy laboratory who recently died without ever knowing a single moment of freedom.