5 Ways PETA Is Helping Animals in Laboratories This Week

  1. Our six-month investigation of the Cleveland Clinic—one of the largest taxpayer-funded research facilities in the U.S.—exposed that experimenters cut open animals’ heads with minimal pain relief, suctioned out parts of their brains, and screwed a “window” into their skulls. Join our call for the National Institutes of Health to stop funding these nightmarish experiments.
  2. In a watershed moment for all species, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration is prioritizing human clinical trials for COVID-19 treatments, which PETA has been recommending for all new drugs and medical treatments. We’re now calling on the agency to make this its policy going forward.
  3. Here’s a breath of fresh air: A PETA scientist assisted Bolivian engineers in creating an effective new ventilator to help COVID-19 sufferers without testing on other animals.
  4. We’re helping students at the University of California–Davis campaign to end experiments on campus in which social primates are traumatized, forced to inhale toxins, infected with debilitating diseases, and killed.
  5. PETA’s been shining a spotlight on the mass killing of animals in university laboratories since the COVID-19 pandemic began, and we’re now urging schools such as Johns Hopkins University and the University of Delaware to cut costs and cruelty by never resuming animal tests.