Ingrid Newkirk Talks ‘Animalkind’ on C-SPAN

Despite downpours in Atlanta all day long, the auditorium was packed during PETA President Ingrid Newkirk‘s appearance on C-SPAN’s author program, Book TV, to discuss her new book, Animalkind: Remarkable Discoveries About Animals and Revolutionary New Ways to Show Them Compassion. Event host Tony Clark wasn’t lying when he promised guests that they would be “mesmerized” by Ingrid’s talk.

Order your copy of Animlkind today!From the esteemed grounds of The Jimmy Carter Presidential Library and Museum, Ingrid regaled the crowd with anecdotes about her early days as a D.C. dog warden, which included interactions with the Secret Service. But most of her talk focused on animal “superpowers,” as she calls them, and the way we all greatly underestimate their intelligence, interests, abilities, and feelings—even those of us who care deeply about them. From tiny birds in New Zealand who can fly 7,000 miles without stopping for food or water to squirrels who vary their nests by the position of the stars, Ingrid discussed fascinating and thought-provoking facts about animals that make it clear that they are people in their own right.

Hearts and minds are being opened, and many are following her appeal for compassion. Keep an eye out for when Ingrid’s book tour will be coming to your area.

Haven’t yet grabbed your copy of this year’s first “must-read” for animal activists? Be sure to pick up your copy of the number one book in Amazon’s “Animal Rights” category—and share this inspiring book’s astounding facts and tips on getting more active for animals with others!