5 Ways PETA Is Helping Animals in Laboratories This Week

PETA is leading the global movement to end experiments on animals. Through our vigorous campaigns, sponsorship and promotion of non-animal testing methods, and collaborations with companies and regulatory agencies, we’re stopping the suffering that animals endure at experimenters’ hands.

  1. PETA placed ads near the University of California–Davis, Tulane University, and the University of Washington, which each have federally funded laboratories that torment thousands of monkeys in hideous experiments. The ads, which opened the eyes of many, point out: “If you call it ‘medical research,’ you can get away with murder.”
  2. A giant costumed “dog” crashed Texas A&M University’s latest Board of Regents meeting to protest the school’s cruel muscular dystrophy experiments on dogs.
  3. PETA’s giant “rat” and other supporters also surprised alumni at a University of Delaware event and urged the school’s president to stop twisted “child abuse” experiments.rat in wedgecone
  4. After PETA publicized that Louisiana State University used dogs from animal shelters in deadly experiments at its veterinary school, state lawmakers introduced a new bill to ban shelters from providing laboratories with live animals.
    dog in lab
  5. PETA and PETA U.K. contributed to a groundbreaking new book that will help end animal experiments, and it’s now available online for free!