What ‘Sexy’ Means to PETA’s ‘Sexiest Vegan Over 50’ Contest Winners


Winning PETA’s Sexiest Vegan Over 50 (SVO50) contest isn’t about the title or the prize—it’s about a life-changing experience and having the opportunity to promote a vegan lifestyle. Take it from Dr. Joel Kahn and Victoria Moran, the winners of PETA’s 2016 SVO50 contest.


Kahn stated the following:

When I found out that I had been selected as the Sexiest Male Vegan Over 50, I was shocked but excited. I had been serious about the health aspects of this lifestyle but had emphasized the animal rights aspect less. I am totally committed to the education of the public about the cruelty of eating our animal friends, but I had emphasized this issue less than others in my writings and lectures. No more! I am on board fully after visiting PETA in Los Angeles, reading material that I was given, and meeting the awesome crew who staff the office with passion and commitment. We simply do not need to kill animals for our food, clothes, or cars. We are evolved beings who can operate at a higher level, returning to the Garden of Eden by living in harmony with our fellow animals, and can practice mindful kindness as we dress, bathe, eat, and drive. I thank PETA for this title and plan to work relentlessly to spread the word that animals are not there for our use and abuse—rather, they are there for our love and respect.


And Moran said this:

The fact that a Sexiest Vegan competition for people over 50 even exists shows the PETA spirit of inclusiveness: that all animals and all humans have value, that ageism is as outdated as speciesism, and that both need to go.

During the voting process, it was heartening, first, to be among other amazing finalists, any one of whom could have served admirably in this capacity—and also to read from people who voted for me that my work as a vegan writer and speaker has influenced so many to go vegan and open their hearts to animals. . . .

I intend to use the SVO50 title to expand my outreach for justice and kindness further than ever.

One of the blessings of being older is that life gets simpler and focus gets sharper. It’s clear that time on Earth is finite and that what matters most is how much suffering you can lessen and how much change you can influence.


Carlyn Montes De Oca, the winner of PETA’s 2011 SVO50 contest, has echoed these sentiments, explaining that the contest has had a profound effect on her life. In fact, each of PETA’s past SVO50 contest winners has said that the experience had a positive impact on them. And they’ve inspired others to make healthy and humane lifestyle choices. If you, too, want to be a role model for others—and help reduce animal suffering—consider entering PETA’s 2017 SVO50 contest later this year.