Pre-Order the Paperback Edition of Ingrid Newkirk’s ‘Animalkind’

For more than 40 years, PETA President Ingrid Newkirk has made it her mission to dismantle speciesism, a form of oppression that allows humans to reduce sentient beings with personalities and emotions to inanimate objects—“things” to be used in any way humans wish. When we look into another animal’s eyes, there’s someone—not something—looking back at us. Someone who feels hunger, thirst, pain, fear, joy, and love and who makes decisions, has preferences, overcomes challenges, and uses language (even though we may not be able to understand it).

Anyone who has carefully observed animals knows this is true. Think of the clever squirrels who bury nuts by the position of the stars or the pigeons who navigate by low-frequency radio waves. Think of the African elephant who uses her trunk, which is densely packed with nerve endings, to stroke a sick or grieving loved one and gently entwines it with a mate’s during courtship—just as humans might hold hands. Or the fish who—just like apes and orcas—can recognize themselves in a mirror, a classic test of self-awareness.

These are just a few of the remarkable facts about other animals that you’ll discover in Ingrid’s most recent book, Animalkind, which comes out in paperback on January 19. If you haven’t read it yet, now’s a great time to pre-order a copy.

Written in collaboration with bestselling Forks Over Knives author Gene Stone, Animalkind explores the rich inner lives of animals and details easy steps that every reader can take—such as only buying cosmetics that weren’t tested on animals and choosing vegan food and fashion—to help make the world a kinder place.

Anjelica Huston describes it as “the book to buy, read, and give to others so that everyone finally sees why they should respect and cherish all animals.”

We can all help make 2021 a brighter year for all sentient beings by working to end speciesism, and Animalkind will give you the knowledge and tools to help make that happen. So click on the link below to pre-order a copy in paperback for yourself or a friend. A percentage of each purchase goes toward funding PETA’s groundbreaking work to end animal exploitation.

Pre-Order ‘Animalkind’ in Paperback Today


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