Presenting PETA Prime’s Top 5 Articles of 2018

Pop a bottle of bubbly, and cozy up with your favorite reading device. It’s time to ring in a new year of discovery, community, education, and victories for animals. This was PETA Prime’s 10th anniversary year, and we wanted to celebrate by reflecting on 2018’s top articles. If you haven’t read them yet, you’re in for a treat. And if you remember these posts, give them another read. Please also leave some comments.

Drum roll, please …

  1. Introducing PETA Prime’s ‘Sexiest Vegans Over 50’

Not long ago, PETA Prime’s 2018 Sexiest Vegans Over 50 were announced to the world, and these two vegans truly live up to their titles. Read more about Carlos Garcia and Darlene Howe and what they’re doing to help animals and spread the vegan message. Also, keep an eye out for photos from their upcoming photo shoot!

4. Vegan Theology for Christians

Eric O’Grey uses Scripture to answer a question that many Christians find difficult to tackle: Does God want us to eat animals? Does He care whether we’re cruel or kind to them? God may have given us the ability to eat animals, but does that mean we should, given the effect of this choice on our health, our planet, and our fellow creatures? Whether you’re a Christian looking for biblical support for a vegan lifestyle or just trying to find some thoughtful answers for the religious folks in your life, don’t miss this informative post.

Photography By: Roeselien Raimond

  1. Why PETA Can’t Support Prop 12

Proposition 12 may have passed in California, but PETA’s stance on this legislation hasn’t wavered. Animals deserve better. Our investigations have proved time and again that the “cage-free” label is a ploy to fool consumers and hide the misery that hens will continue to endure under this new law. Read our take, and tell us your ideas for opening people’s eyes to the cruelty behind those “cage-free” egg labels.


  1. Why People Abandon Animals

Some people surrender animals because they think it’s the only possible solution. But often, this reasoning is just an excuse—as many behavioral conflicts can be resolved with the right knowledge and commitment. Learn more from this post, and discover what one shelter worker believes is an animal shelter’s most important job in the community.

Erick J Pleitez / CC by 2.0

  1. Reading Your Cat’s Eyes

Have you always wanted to communicate with your feline companion? Well, we’ve got news for you—you can! Get on the same page with your best friend today by trying these tips to connect on a whole new level. Use the comments section to share what you’ve learned about your animal companion by watching his or her eyes.


Thanks for another great year with PETA Prime! Is there any topic that you’d like to learn more about in 2019? You can pose questions in the comments section about animal rights, PETA campaigns, companion animals, vegan health, or any other relevant subject.