You’ve Never Seen ‘Calendar Girls’ Like Dorothy and Lisa Marie!

When PETA staffers found Dorothy at a rural county fair, they noticed that she had an injured wing and the bone was exposed. They scooped her up and took her to a PETA mobile clinic for treatment.

PETA helped Dorothy secure a permanent home at Bleatniks Barnyard sanctuary in North Carolina, where she quickly found her place in the pecking order—at the top. She keeps all the other chickens in check, is vocal about her salad preferences (yes to grated carrots, but hold the green apples), and chats every afternoon with Mr. Blonde, a guinea hen. At night, she walks up a ramp to tuck herself into her very own little bed.

Dorothy is one of the rescued animals you’ll meet in PETA’s 2018 “Rescued!” calendar. This year’s edition of the popular calendar also features Lisa Marie, who was torn away from her mother when she was little more than a month old.

She was shipped to an Elvis impersonator and forced to perform in his shows. When she wasn’t on stage, she was often kept inside a cramped cage in a basement and restrained by a padlocked collar. With the help of a generous patron, PETA was able to rescue her and transfer her to the spacious Save the Chimps sanctuary in Florida. Today, she’s a member of a large chimpanzee family and spends her days climbing, running, and playing in the Florida sun.

Every year, PETA’s calendar features animals like Dorothy and Lisa Marie who’ve been given a second chance at a peaceful and joyous life, thanks to the support of caring people like you. From a horse on the brink of a fatal breakdown who was rescued from the racing industry in the nick of time to a little calf who was destined to be shot because he was considered a “byproduct” of Australia’s dairy industry but was rescued instead, PETA’s 2018 calendar is full of stories that will have you cheering. It also highlights just a few of the many victories that PETA and its entities worldwide secured for animals in the past year.

It’s not too late to get a copy of PETA’s 2018 “Rescued!” calendar for yourself or for a friend—or both. For a limited time while supplies last, when you order a calendar from, you’ll get a second one for free!