These Fine Art Prints Can Save Lives

Julian Starks’ passion in life is traveling around the world and photographing beautiful, vibrant animals in all kinds of places and circumstances, both free and confined. While doing so, he has witnessed the social injustice, poverty, speciesism, and environmental changes that adversely affect the habitats and lives of all animal species on this planet.

Starks started the project with the release of his first photography book, LIFE Behind Bars Vol. I, and he has now released stunning fine art prints that are perfect for the home or office! They capture the condition of captive animals who are far from their natural homes as well as frustrated, lonely, and deprived of all control over their lives.

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Despite their professed concern for animals, zoos can more accurately be described as “collections” of interesting animals than as actual havens or homes for them. Even under the best of circumstances at the best of zoos, captivity cannot begin to replicate wild animals’ habitats. Animals are often prevented from doing most of the things that are natural and important to them, such as running, roaming, flying, climbing, foraging, choosing a partner, and being with others of their own kind.

Starks’ photography book and fine art prints depict the plight of animals in captivity.

These prints can spark discussions about animal rights and raise awareness of the misery that captive animals endure. They offer a perfect way to share your compassion for animals at your home or in your office. In addition, you can support PETA, as 50% of the proceeds are donated to us.