Vacationing, Vegan-Style

There’s no need to leave your vegan lifestyle at home when you go away. That’s the perfect time to try new vegan-friendly restaurants and cuisines.  Sometimes you find vegan options where you least expect them. I’ve gotten tasty vegan meals at a BBQ joint in beautiful Holmes Beach  in Sarasota, and  I was pleasantly surprised to find a vegan-friendly natural foods restaurant just a block away from my hotel in Cancun 25 years ago.  Of course, it’s especially easy to find vegan options when you plan ahead and take advantage of all the resources available for vegan travelers.

VeggieHotels, for example, lists hundreds of vegan-friendly hotels, bed and breakfasts, and spas in the U.S and a number of other countries, including Austria, Costa Rica, Ireland, Germany, and Mexico.

And Vegvisits, a PETA Business Friend, even allows you to rent places to stay and kitchens to use from local vegan and vegetarian hosts, so if you prefer a homey feel and enjoy preparing your own vegan meals, VegVisits makes finding accommodations a piece of vegan cake.  You can meet friendly hosts (screened by Vegvisits), who will help you find vegan and vegetarian restaurants, farmers markets, parks and nature trails, and popular local attractions.

Vegvisits currently features accomodations in America, India, Italy, Brazil, Canada, England, Australia, and other countries. And according to Vegvisits, many of the hosts also offer additional services, such as acupuncture, yoga lessons, wellness coaching, and more.

So, visit Vegvisits and prepare to get globetrotting and meet new friends!   Or if you want to open your home to vegan guests—and make money—sign up to host on Vegvisits.

But if travel—or hosting—isn’t in your future, a number of other PETA Business Friends offer unique goods and services. They’d welcome your support—and so would PETA!