This Lucky PETA Prime Reader Won a Trip to India!

“The greatness of a nation and its moral progress can be judged by the way its animals are treated.”

Those words, attributed to Mahatma Gandhi, are as meaningful today as they were when they were first uttered decades ago. We asked PETA Prime readers to tell us what those words meant to them for a chance to win an exciting 12-day vegan tour of Gandhi’s homeland, courtesy of PETA Business Friend VegVoyages–Vegan Adventure Tours.

We received thousands of thoughtful replies but were especially inspired by Steven K.’s response:

“All sentient beings deserve equal consideration of interests. Progress is best measured not in technological advances or material acquisitions but in moral sensitivity.”

As the lucky winner of our contest, Steven and a guest will visit magnificent centuries-old palaces, ancient Hindu temples, remote rural villages, and charming medieval towns, all while enjoying scrumptious vegan Indian cuisine.

Even if you’re not Steven or his traveling companion, you can still experience the delights of India—as well as Bali, Laos, Malaysia, Sumatra, or Thailand—by embarking on a VegVoyages–Vegan Adventure Tour. These excursions are truly unique—travelers are immersed in the destination’s culture, sampling regional dishes and taking part in local activities and festivities, such as tai chi classes, snorkeling excursions, safaris, cooking classes, dance workshops, language lessons, musical performances, and more. Best of all, you can rest easy in the knowledge that VegVoyages–Vegan Adventure Tours are 100 percent vegan, eco-friendly, and socially conscious and they don’t support venues that exploit animals for entertainment, such as in zoos, at aquariums, or at pseudo-sanctuaries.

Ready to embark on your next vegan adventure? Learn more about VegVoyages–Vegan Adventure Tours at the PETA Mall.