Prevent Gout: Go Vegan

We all know that meat consumption can cause heart disease, diabetes, cancer, and other life-threating illnesses, and research also suggests that eating meat and other animal-based foods can increase one’s risk of developing gout, a form of arthritis that’s characterized by sudden, severe attacks of pain and tenderness in the joints.

Researchers from Harvard Medical School analyzed the diets of more than 44,000 men who had never been diagnosed with gout. During the 26-year follow-up, more than 1,700 of the men were diagnosed with the condition. Those who ate the most fruit, vegetables, and whole grains were 32 percent less likely to suffer from gout.

The Harvard researchers aren’t the only ones to make this connection, either. Several other studies have shown that people who eat a lot of chicken, turkey, fish, shellfish, and processed meat are more likely to develop gout than those who eat primarily plant-based foods. For example, researchers who examined the diets of the more than 63,000 people who took part in the Singapore Chinese Health Study found that the participants who ate the most poultry, fish, and shellfish were the most likely to develop gout, while those who ate the most soy protein and legumes were the least likely. And a 12-year study involving more than 47,000 men indicates that men who eat a lot of meat and seafood have a greater risk of developing gout than those who do not.

Another study—from the Karolinska Institute in Stockholm—suggests that people with rheumatoid arthritis can benefit by eating a gluten-free vegan diet. The researchers instructed 30 people with the condition to eat only vegan foods, including vegetables, nuts, fruits, buckwheat, millet, corn, rice, and sunflower seeds, for at least three months. The patients were also asked to avoid gluten, which is often found in breads, cakes, pasta, and even beer. For comparison, the doctors instructed 28 other patients to continue eating meat and other animal-based foods. Among other benefits, the people in the vegan group had boosted levels of the natural antibodies that fight the compounds in the body that are implicated in rheumatoid arthritis.

Countless other studies have linked animal-based foods to serious illnesses and painful ailments, while research has proved that tasty plant-based foods can help prevent and even reverse many debilitating diseases—without harming animals or polluting the planet.

Clearly, a vegan lifestyle is the sensible choice for people who care about their health as well as animals and the environment. So order our free vegan starter kit if you haven’t already made the switch to a plant-strong diet.