In Memory of Harry Schwartz, a True Friend to Animals

PETA lost a good friend in Harry Schwartz, a member of PETA’s Vanguard Society who exemplified the importance of compassion and empathy for all. He understood the plight of animals and supported all our work to end their suffering, as does his wife, Jerry.

Harry and Jerry joined PETA in 1984. We spoke several times a year, once or twice about the gym that Harry owned but mostly about PETA’s campaigns. Harry and Jerry always wanted to know about PETA’s activities, both the ones that made headlines around the globe and the smaller behind-the-scenes actions that also make a big difference for animals.

We could always count on Harry and Jerry to support PETA by making generous gifts through The Harry Schwartz Foundation, which funds initiatives to help animals and other worthy causes. Harry also supported vital services to help women and children in need.

His obituary in The New York Times noted that his biographer nicknamed him “Mr. Integrity.” To many, Harry was, as the obituary reads, “the personification of just the man you would welcome into your life.”

Indeed, he was. He was one of those rare people who helped create positive change and gave other animal advocates a reason to be optimistic. Thank you, Harry!

I hope everyone who is able to do so will follow Harry’s lead by joining PETA’s Vanguard Society. Thank you.