NEW VIDEO: Saving Animals in Ukraine

Tens of thousands of traumatized animal companions and their guardians have fled the conflict in Ukraine while countless others have been left behind in war zones.

PETA Germany and its partner organizations have been on the ground since the war began, doing all that they can to get animals and their human family members to safety and delivering food and supplies to those who are still at risk from the war. So far, the rescue teams have transported over 1,500 cats and dogs out of Ukraine and have supplied more than 600 metric tons of provisions and food for dogs, cats, horses, and donkeys.

You can see the tremendous impact of the team’s work on the faces of the grateful animals and their guardians in the brief new documentary below:

Please share this video with everyone you know, check this blog post regularly for Ukraine updates, and make a much-needed gift to PETA’s Global Compassion Fund to keep this and other lifesaving work for animals around the world going strong.