Are Your Animal Companions Protected? 

May is Responsible Animal Guardian Month, and taking steps to ensure that your beloved animal companions will be taken care of as part of your overall estate plans is one of the most responsible—and important—things you can do for them. Please watch PETA President Ingrid Newkirk’s message about planning for your companions: 


 PETA’s Augustus Club members know that planning your legacy now is a vital way to prepare for an uncertain future. A few simple changes to your estate plans today could help secure the long-term well-being of the animals in your life and ensure that they’ll be provided for when you’re no longer able to care for them.  

 You can take the first step today by reading PETA’s free Animal Companion Planning Packet, which can help you get organized and guide you through this process.  

 Creating and finalizing your estate plans can give you the peace of mind and confidence that those who matter to you will be cared for and that your wishes for a lasting legacy will be fulfilled. So this Responsible Animal Guardian Month, protect those you love while also creating a legacy that will advance the respect, dignity, and rights of all animals for years to come. 

Request Your Animal Companion Planning Packet Today

In addition to our free planning resources, PETA’s legacy gift planning team is here to help and would be delighted to assist you with extending your compassion for animals far into the future. Contact them today!