My Year as the ‘Sexiest Vegan Over 50’

By Erin Riley-Carrasco

The last year, as the reigning Sexiest Vegan Over 50, has been exciting and memorable. I want to thank PETA for awarding me the title. I’ve respected the organization for over 35 years, and the platform I was given provided me with wonderful opportunities for which I’m grateful.

A highlight of the past year was being asked by Jane Velez-Mitchell to be a contributor on her network and host a weekly 15-minute vegan cooking show. Jane is a fellow vegan and animal rights activist whose social media platform, “Jane Unchained” reaches millions of people every year. My weekly segment, “Saturday Snackdown,” has featured terrific guests from all walks of life. They’ve shared delicious recipes and demonstrated just how easy it is to cook vegan food! I strive to show everyone—from vegan cooking instructors to stay-at-home moms—just how simple it is to follow a healthy and cruelty-free lifestyle. I also cover local animal rights events for Jane, and I’ll soon be covering my first “Cube of Truth—Anonymous for the Voiceless” event in Oceanside, California.

Covering the progress of Senate Bill 1487, “The Iconic African Species Protection Act,” live in Sacramento, California, was unforgettable, as was interviewing moviegoers after the premiere of Eating You Alive, a documentary that explores the benefits of a vegan diet. Meeting T. Colin Campbell, Ph.D., author of The China Study, and in San Diego was also a highlight, as T. Colin Campbell’s book was what inspired me to go vegan after being a vegetarian for 25 years. Meeting and interviewing PETA founder Ingrid Newkirk, Australian animal rights activist James Aspey, and Farm Sanctuary cofounder Gene Baur aboard the Holistic Holiday at Sea cruise ship were all highlights of my year. Getting to meet and cover Capt. Paul Watson, who leads the Sea Shepherd Conservation Society, one of the world’s largest nonprofit marine wildlife conservation organizations and anti-poaching direct action groups, was another “aha” moment. I admire all these individuals so much, and I doubt I would have had the opportunity to meet—let alone interview—my real-life heroes had it not been for PETA Prime.

The 10-day Holistic Holiday at Sea cruise that I won in PETA Prime’s Sexiest Vegan Over 50 contest was truly inspirational. I learned so much from all the lecturers and from the different people I met with like-minded values from all over the world. One of my best friends since childhood went with me. She wasn’t a vegan or even a vegetarian when we boarded the ship, but she was so moved by what the lecturers presented that she immediately went vegetarian and is moving toward a vegan diet. For her, the cruise was transformative. I’m so grateful for the once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.

I look back on the last year with gratitude and pride. I’m sincerely thankful for all the opportunities that came my way as a result of winning the contest and look forward to doing much more work in animal advocacy and spreading the vegan message in the future. I enjoy volunteering for SNAP (Spay-Neuter Action Project) with my rescue dog Rocky, spreading awareness of important issues, collecting signatures for animal-welfare bills, and rescuing dogs and cats from the streets of Tijuana, Mexico. I’d encourage anyone who is passionate about animal rights to enter PETA Prime’s contest! Being an active voice for animals is one of the most rewarding and profound experiences that feeds my soul. Some people may have a hard time with the word “sexy,” but to me, following a cruelty-free, healthy, and compassionate lifestyle while advocating for animals is the embodiment of “sexy.” Since vegans tend to live longer than nonvegans, stay tuned to see what I’ll be doing over the next 25 years. PETA may need to add a “Sexiest Vegan Over 80” category in the future … wink, wink.


Think you’ve got what it takes to be PETA Prime’s Sexiest Vegan Over 50? Entry is open! Be sure to sign up for PETA Prime News to get all the updates about it.

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