A Humane Holiday Hymn

The following article was written by Karen Porreca and Heather Moore.

‘Twas the night before Christmas,
when all through the house,
not a creature was suffering,
not even a mouse.

The stockings were stuffed
with cruelty-free snacks
and animal-friendly presents
were piled up in stacks.

The kids dressed in PJs,
tucked warm in their beds,
and dreams of happy animals
danced in their heads.

Wrapped and beribboned
placed under the tree
were nonleather shoes
and a coat that’s fur-free.

Scarves made of rayon
and gloves all of cotton
and cruelty-free fragrance?
they’ll be spoiled rotten.

But the best gift of all
wasn’t under the tree:
a nice big donation
to a kind charity.

When the children awoke
they saw everything new?
they had no interest
in going to the zoo.

The kitchen was filled
with vegetarian fare?
they never would eat
a dead animal there.

Their dogs were indoors,
not chained up outside.
They love their dear family
and want to be by their side.

If more people visited
the site you see here,
animals of the world
would have nothing to fear.

Here’s wishing everyone a happy and humane holiday!