Don’t Be Intimidated by ‘The Way of the Vegan Meathead’

Being vegan for the animals already makes me feel good about myself, but being vegan and hitting the gym makes me feel even better. Before I went vegan, I would go to the gym and see results, but it didn’t compare to the way I felt after I stopped eating animal-derived foods—I had more energy and more endurance, and I was eating far less than I had been when I was consuming mainly meat. Vegan foods gave my body more fiber and micronutrients, which kept my stomach full and happy, and supplied my body with healthy vitamins and minerals without harming animals.

Exercising is one of my favorite things to do. I love being outside—hiking, biking, and kayaking are some of my favorite activities—but a good gym session is still number one on my list. In the gym, I maintain a traditional powerlifting training routine, which is centered around three exercises: the squat, the dead lift, and the bench press. While these exercises may seem like those of a “meathead,” each also has a practical application to everyday life. The squat, for example, mimics the exact same movement that your body makes when you sit down in a chair or stand back up again. And it strengthens your knees and hips, which are used for all kinds of everyday movements. Performing the dead lift is the exact same process that your body uses to bend over and pick up your animal companion or a heavy package from your front doorstep. The bench press can be used to keep your arms strong, for movements like lifting things or grabbing that heavy box from the top shelf with ease.

I’m not saying that everyone needs to run to the gym and train like a champion weightlifter, but even doing light weightlifting exercises two to three times a week can certainly help keep your body active and strong. Just as with anything new, when I began working out, I was intimidated by the equipment, terminology, and even how to perform half the exercises that I wanted to do. Now that I’ve been doing it seriously for several years, I almost feel more comfortable in the gym than I do in my own bed.

If you feel like you want to get out and exercise more or are considering joining your local gym or fitness club, I highly suggest taking a look at the book The Way of the Vegan Meathead. The book’s author, Daniel Austin, is vegan and a competitive powerlifter. He makes it easy to get excited about becoming more active, outlines a nutritious and protein-packed eating plan, and explains various muscle-building exercises that can help you feel more confident and active in all aspects of life. And believe me, you don’t need to aspire to lift 500 pounds to crack this book open. It’s a simple and informative read for people of all fitness levels—from the beginner to someone who already competes at powerlifting events. Who knows—you might even have a killer “beach bod” by summer!