How PETA India Is ‘Fixing’ Animal Homelessness

Animal homelessness is a global crisis that desperately needs to be “fixed,”so PETA India is “fixing” dogs and cats to prevent the problem from getting any worse.

Since PETA India was founded in 2000, they’ve been promoting spay/neuter surgeries and helping companion animals in need across the world’s second most populous country. They recently sterilized more than 500 cats in Mumbai, in collaboration with the Bombay Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals and the Youth Organization in Defence of Animals! The cats also received vaccinations against rabies and treatment for injuries to prevent even more suffering.

PETA India’s team also picks up many stray puppies and kittens and puts them up for adoption. “Community animals” – dogs and cats on the streets who receive food and some care from kind locals – are a common sight across India. Many of these animals spend their days scrounging to find enough to eat and suffer from untreated injuries, diseases, and relentless parasites. Their numbers grow when callous owners who become bored with new puppies or kittens they just purchased simply abandon them on the street or leave them at shelters already overflowing with animals.

PETA India has long campaigned for people to adopt animals from the street or shelter rather than buying them from pet stores and breeders. Many well-known Indian celebrities, like Imran Khan and Amy Jackson, have posed for their popular “Adopt, Don’t Shop” advertisements, which remind people not to patronize pet stores or breeders.

PETA India’s Animal Birth Control campaign works to end the nation’s homeless-animal crisis by urging everyone to open their hearts and homes to an animal in need and have their animal companions spayed or neutered. On World Spay Day last year, PETA India supporters dressed as giant condoms held signs that read, “Dogs Can’t Use Condoms – Sterilise Them,” and handed out leaflets urging everyone to have their animal companions spayed or neutered.

Please visit PETA India’s website to help support their life-changing work for companion animals. No matter where you live, if you haven’t already had your animal companions sterilized, make an appointment with your veterinarian today – and encourage everyone you know to do the same!