Contest! Win a Travel Pack for Your Four-Legged Friend

Planning your next getaway? Don’t forget to make arrangements for your animal companions, too.

If your dog or cat will be traveling with you, you’ll want to enter our Facebook contest for a chance to win a travel pack compliments of PETA Business Friend Mr. Peanut’s Premium Products. The contest details are below, but first, here are a few tips to help ensure that your animal companions have a safe and happy trip:

Remember That the Skies Aren’t Always Friendly to Animals
Don’t transport animals by plane if it can be avoided. Animals sent on planes have been lost or injured, and some have even died as a result of negligence or delays. Temperatures can get extremely hot in unventilated cargo holds. If you must fly with your animals and they’re within the airline’s size limits, take them in the cabin with you. Check out this article for more airline safety tips.

Bring Everything but the Kitchen Sink
Visiting unfamiliar territory can be stressful for animals, so be sure to pack their favorite toys and bedding. When driving to your destination, remember that even the calmest cat or dog can become startled and may bolt in new surroundings. Keep your animal friend properly secured at all times. Cats should ride in carriers that are lined with towels and contain a small litter tray. Dogs are safest in carriers or restrained with canine seat belts, which can be found in pet-supply stores. Be sure to stop often in order to give dogs a chance to relieve themselves.

Don’t Leave Home Without Proper ID
Animals should always wear identification tags. In addition to a tag with your permanent address and phone number, make a temporary one with the address of your destination, so that local authorities can find you quickly if needed. It’s also a good idea to have your animals microchipped before you leave home.

Look for a Welcome Mat
While many hotel chains welcome four-legged guests, not all campgrounds, parks, beaches, and/or hotels are animal-friendly. This page is a helpful resource for locating animal-friendly lodging, but be sure to call the specific destination you intend to visit ahead of time to be sure.

Home Sweet Home
For elderly, shy, or skittish animals, there really is no place like home. Staying in their homes with a trusted caretaker gives these animals the security of familiar surroundings and a consistent schedule.


If you’re ready to hit the road with your animal friend, this contest is for you. The prize pack from Mr. Peanut’s includes an airline-approved tote, a stainless-steel slow-feed bowl, a set of three collapsible travel bowls, and a grooming glove. The contest runs from Friday, February 23, to Monday, February 26, and all you have to do to enter is visit our Facebook page and leave a comment telling us which travel destination you’d most like to visit with your animal companion. We’ll notify the lucky winner via private Facebook message on Tuesday, February 27.

Good luck, and “bone” voyage!


Written by Paula Moore

Mr. Peanut’s Premium Products Prize Pack Giveaway Guidelines

To enter for a chance to win a prize pack from Mr. Peanut’s, visit the PETA Prime Facebook page and comment on the post featuring a photo of the company’s airline-approved tote. Tell us which travel destination you’d most like to visit with your animal companion.

This contest is in no way sponsored, endorsed, or administered by or associated with Facebook. Entries must be received by Tuesday, February 27, at 12 a.m. ET. One winner will be chosen at random and notified via direct message on Facebook on Tuesday, February 27. This contest is open to U.S. residents only. No purchase is necessary. Void where prohibited by law. By entering, you’re acknowledging that you have read and agree to our terms and conditions and privacy policy and that you agree to release Facebook completely from any claims related to the contest.