Meet the Woman Behind Chicago’s All-Vegan Restaurant ‘Spirit Elephant’!

Chicago’s long been a town with great vegan dining options, and now there are even more opportunities to dine out in the Windy City, because vegan fine-dining restaurant Spirit Elephant recently added two Elephant + Vine casual dining locations offering delicious animal-free fare.

PETA Prime recently had a chance to connect with the owner, CD Young, and learn all about these great restaurants. Here’s what we found out:

Was there a particular moment that inspired you to become an animal activist?

I was very connected to my horse as a child, which led me to understand how closely animals bond with their babies and families. When I learned about how babies are taken away from their mothers soon after birth in the dairy industry—and saw and understood the anguish it causes—I wanted to do something. That’s what ultimately inspired me to become a vegan restaurateur.

What led you to start your all-vegan restaurant, Spirit Elephant?

My connection to animals was the first step, and the second step was discovering how great eating animal-free food made me feel—both inside and out!

How have diners embraced your fully vegan menus? Are there any dishes that have become their faves?

Thousands of diners have come in and loved our menus. There are definitely favorites, and some of those include our Cauliwings, Glazed Brussels Sprouts, Pad Thai, Meatless Loaf, flatbreads, BBQ Burger, Calamari Fritti, rotating curries, and incredible desserts—like our Mammoth Cinnamon Roll and Carrot Cake.

What do you consider to be the hottest vegan food trend this year?

That one is easy—fried “chicken.”

How do you share your compassion for animals with those who aren’t as animal-friendly?

Honestly, through food—it’s so much fun to watch people who didn’t have vegan eating on their radar enjoying our food. I always say, “See, you could go vegan and still be just as happy and satisfied!”

Any advice for someone wanting to start a vegan restaurant or other business?

Don’t listen to folks who tell you your idea won’t work. If you’re passionate about something, there is no doubt a very good reason for that. Keep pushing.

If you’re in the Chicago area, be sure to visit Spirit Elephant in Winnetka or one of Elephant + Vine’s locations, in Lincoln Park and Evanston.